Williams, K, DM Menning, E Wald, SL Talbot, K Rattenbury, LR Prugh. 2021. Using next generation sequencing of alpine plants to improve fecal metabarcoding diet analysis for Dall’s sheep. BMC Research Notes 14:173 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13104-021-05590-z. pdf
Aycrigg, JL, AG Wells, JL Rachlow, EO Garton, B Magipane, GE Liston, LR Prugh. 2021. Habitat selection by Dall’s sheep is influenced by direct and indirect climate effects. PLoS One 16:e0248763. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0248763.pdf | slide
Cosgrove, CL, J Wells, AW Nolin, J Putera, LR Prugh. 2021. Seasonal influence of snow conditions on Dall’s sheep productivity in Wrangell-St Elias National Park and Preserve. Plos One 16:e0244787. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0244787.pdf | slide
Leorna, S, T Brinkman, J McIntyre, B Wendling, L Prugh. 2020. Association between weather and Dall’s sheep Ovis dalli dalli harvest success in Alaska. Wildlife Biology https://doi.org/10.2981/wlb.00660. pdf | slide
van de Kerk, M, S. Arthur , M Bertram, B Borg, J Herriges, J Lawler, B Mangipane, C Lambert Koizumi, B Wendling, L Prugh. 2020. Remote sensing reveals environmental drivers of Dall’s sheep survival. Journal of Wildlife Management https://doi.org/10.1002/jwmg.21873. pdf|slide
Zhou, Jiake; Tape, Ken; Prugh, Laura; Kofinas, Gary; Carroll, Geoff; Kielland, Knut. 2020. Expansion of shrubs in the Arctic enhances habitat connectivity for browsing herbivores. Global Change Biology: https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15104. pdf|slide
Verbyla D, Kurkowski, T. 2019. NDVI-Climate relationships in high-latitude mountains of Alaska and Yukon Territory. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 51: https://doi.org/10.1080/15230430.2019.1650542. pdf|slide
Prugh, LR, KJ Sivy, PJ Mahoney, TR Ganz, MA Ditmer, M van de Kerk, SL Gilbert, RA Montgomery. 2019. Designing studies of predation risk for improved inference in carnivore-ungulate systems. Biological Conservation 232: 194-207. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2019.02.011. pdf| slide
Boelman, N., Liston, G.E., Gurarie, E., Meddens, A.J.H., Mahoney, P.J., Kirchner, P.B., Bohrer, G., Brinkman, T.J., Cosgrove, C.L., Eitel, J., Hebblewhite, M., Kimball, J.S., LaPoint, S.D., Nolin, A.W., Pedersen, S.H., Prugh, L.R., Reinking, A.K., Vierling, L. 2019. Integrating snow science and wildlife ecology in Arctic-boreal North America. Environmental Research Letters. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/aaeec1. pdf| slide
P.J. Mahoney , G.E. Liston, S. LaPoint, E. Gurarie, B. Mangipane, A.G. Wells, T.J. Brinkman, J.U.H. Eitel, M. Hebblewhite, A.W. Nolin, N. Boelman, and L.R. Prugh. 2018. Navigating snowscapes: scale-dependent responses of mountain sheep to snowpack properties. Ecological Applications 28: 1715-1729. pdf| slide
M. van de Kerk, D. Verbyla, A.W. Nolin, K.J. Sivy, L.R. Prugh. 2018. Range-wide variation in the effect of spring snow phenology on Dall sheep population dynamics. Environmental Research Letters 13:075008pdf| slide
D. Verbyla, T. Hegel, A.W. Nolin, M. van de Kerk, T.A. Kurkowski, L.R. Prugh. 2017. Remote sensing of 2000-2016 snowline elevation in Dall sheep mountain ranges of Alaska and western Canada. Remote Sensing 9:1157pdf| slide
Cosgrove, C.L., L.R. Prugh, A.W. Nolin, K.J. Sivy, R.L. Crumley, and M.E. Tedesche. 2019. Snow Depth, Stratigraphy, and Temperature in Wrangell St Elias NP, Alaska, 2016-2018. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. https://doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1656
Verbyla, D. 2018. ABoVE: MODIS-derived Maximum NDVI, Northern Alaska and Yukon Territory for 2002-2017. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. https://doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1614
van de Kerk, M., D. Verbyla, A.W. Nolin, K.J. Sivy, and L.R. Prugh. 2018. ABoVE: Dall Sheep Lamb Recruitment and Climate Data, Alaska and NW Canada, 2000-2015. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. https://doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1640
Mahoney, P., G. Liston, B. Mangipane, and L.R. Prugh. 2018. ABoVE: Responses of Dall Sheep to Snowpack Properties, AK, 2005-2008. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. https://doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1602
Sivy, K.J., A.W. Nolin, C.L. Cosgrove, and L.R. Prugh. 2018. ABoVE: Dall Sheep Track Sinking Depths, Snow Depth, Hardness, and Density, 2017. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. https://doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1583
Verbyla, D. 2017. ABoVE: Last Day of Spring Snow, Alaska, USA, and Yukon Territory, Canada, 2000-2016. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. https://doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1528
van de Kerk, M, S. Arthur , M Bertram, B Borg, J Herriges, J Lawler, B Mangipane, C Lambert Koizumi, B Wendling, L Prugh. 2019. Remote sensing reveals drivers of Dall sheep survival. 5th NASA ABoVE Science Team Meeting, La Jolla CA (poster) pdf
Cosgrove, CL. 2019. Can we map hard snow layers in remote mountainous terrain for wildlife applications? Modelling and passive-microwave approaches. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Washington DC.
Cosgrove, Chris L. 2019. Mapping hard snow and ice layers in the arctic boreal region: linkages to rain-on-snow events and wildlife. Western Snow Conference, Reno, Nevada.
Brinkman T, Leorna S, Hasbrouck T, Wendling B. 2019. How might harvest management account for dynamic environmental conditions? Alaska Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Juneau, Alaska.
Cosgrove, CL. 2018. Hostile winters: Are changes in arctic/boreal North America seasonal snow conditions causing Dall sheep population decline? American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Cosgrove, CL. 2018. Identifying and mapping hazardous snow conditions for Dall sheep, an iconic North American alpine ungulate, from 1980 to 2017. MtnClim Conference, Gothic, CO.
Cosgrove, CL. 2018. Mapping hazardous snow conditions for Dall sheep, a climate sensitive and iconic North American alpine ungulate. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington DC.
Mahoney, PJ, K Joly, B Borg, M Sorum, H Golden, T Rinaldi, D Saalfeld, D Latham, B Mangipane, C Koizumi, É Bélanger, M Hebblewhite, N Boelman, L Prugh. 2018. Wolf denning phenology and reproductive success in response to climate signals. AGU Annual Meeting, Washington DC (oral presentation).
Mahoney, P, G Liston, S LaPoint, E Gurarie, B Mangipane, A Wells, T Brinkman, J Eitel, M Hebblewhite, A Nolin, N Boelman, L Prugh. 2018. Navigating snowscapes: scale-dependent responses of mountain sheep to snowpack properties. 4th NASA ABoVE Science Team Meeting, Seattle WA (poster) pdf
Cosgrove, C, and A Nolin. 2018. Snowpack variability and Dall sheep recruitment. 4th NASA ABoVE Science Team Meeting, Seattle WA (poster) pdf
Prugh, LR, D Verbyla, M van de Kerk, P Mahoney, KJ Sivy, G Liston, A Nolin. 2017. Snowscape ecology: linking snow properties to wildlife movements and demography. American Geophysical Union Conference, New Orleans LA (oral presentation) pdf
Nolin, AW, EA Sproles, RL Crumley, A Wilson, A Mar, M van de Kerk, and LR Prugh. 2017. Cloud-based computing and applications of new snow metrics for societal benefit. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans LA (oral presentation).
van de Kerk, M, D Verbyla, A.Nolin, K Sivy, L Prugh. 2017. Effects of snow extent on Dall sheep recruitment indicate population declines under climate change. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland OR (oral presentation)
Mahoney, P, G Liston, S LaPoint, E Gurarie, B Mangipane, J Jennewein, R Oliver, E Palm, J Eitel, M Hebblewhite, N Boelman, and L Prugh. 2017. Navigating snowscapes: Scale-dependent responses of mountain sheep to snowpack properties. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR (oral presentation)
van de Kerk, M, D.Verbyla, A. Nolin, K. Sivy, L. Prugh. 2017. Climate change may adversely affect Dall sheep populations through variation in snow extent. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Moscow ID (oral presentation)
Cosgrove, C, and A Nolin. 2017. Characterizing mountain snowpack for Dall sheep. 3rd NASA ABoVE Science Team Meeting, Boulder CO (poster presentation) pdf
Nolin, A, R Crumley, E Mar. 2017. Innovations in snow cover mapping for Dall sheep. 3rd NASA ABoVE Science Team Meeting, Boulder CO (poster presentation) pdf
van de Kerk, M, D Verbyla, A Nolin, K Sivy, L Prugh. 2017. Effects of snow cover on Dall sheep recruitment. NASA ABoVE Science Team Meeting, Boulder CO (poster presentation) pdf
NASA Earth Observatory “notes from the field” blog entry (30 May 2018) link
Prugh, L. ABoVE Dall sheep project update. Presentation for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Fairbanks AK (22 March 2018)
Prugh, L. Dall sheep and snow: linking climate conditions to movement and demography. Presentation as part of the Wrangell Institute for Science and Environment Science Lecture Series, Wrangell-St Elias National Park, AK (13 March 2018) flier
Cosgrove, C. Up Wait Creek without a pilot. Fieldwork blog for the Mountain Sentinels Collaborative Network (23 December 2017) link
Prugh, L. Feedbacks between climate change and wildlife. Presentation for NASA's Earth to Sky Interpreting Climate Change Workshop, Spokane WA (13 November 2017)
NASA Earth Observatory “notes from the field” blog entry (9 May 2017) link